Shenzhen Kosky Technology Co., Ltd.
KS-IG200 is the AIO multi-function equipment integrating egress routing and access controller to support multi-WAN access, wide-band stack of different ISPs, intelligent flow control, user on-line behavior management and advertising marketing. As the access controller KS-IG200 is capable to unified manage all network APs with maximum 250pcs and status monitoring, RF management and remote operation. By excellent bandwidth control function, PPPoE support and 7-level firewall module of user access security KP-IG200 is the ideal application choice for medium and large network Wi-Fi solution.
The effective integration of router, AC and firewall functions well solve the problems of egress network, control and security so as to bring customer the supreme competitive application experience.
Through finding the LAN APs on AIO it's easy to check every AP’s status of working, wireless RF and terminal so as to conveniently manage and adjust the whole network based on business requirements.
By port configuration of LAN or WAN the coordinate working modes can be load balance or bandwidth stack, which balance the business flow of different WAN ports and provide bandwidth convergence of multiple links. Without network congestion and large egress bandwidth the heavy traffic business will be be smooth and high-quality network service will be enjoyed.
Through corresponding configuration of protection strategy there will be specific protection to the various cyber threats so as to guarantee non-conflict of intranet flows and increase the reliability of intranet and extranet.